Monday, July 21, 2008

Book Abuse

I have a story to tell, and this one is why I will now be keeping my Steven’s book at the end of the class. Last Thursday I went to poor boy Thursday at Old Chicago to eat and drink 1$ beers and $1 slices of pizza. When I was there I met a bunch of friends and we decided to go see the midnight showing of the new Bat Man movie. So we stayed out for a few hours killing time before the movie started. Since the beers only cost a dollar I decide to leave my truck at the bar and figured I would get it the next day after our English test. So I went to the movie and then home. The next day I rode my bike to school for our test. After the test it looked like it might storm, but I figured I could beat the storm and get to my truck before the storm hit, and even if I did not then I would be riding in the rain. Well it started to rain right as I got off campus about a block north of college street. But then the hail came at the same time. so I figured I would wait the storm out from under a tree. Well I waited, and the storm just got worse. My shit was completely saturated with water and I was worried my bag might be full of water. So I decide to brave the weather and try to find a place that was not as soggy. I found a carport to hide under until the storm passed. When I opened my bag most everything in it was wet, the worst, the Stevens book. The black lettering on the spine came off the Stevens book and the sonnets book. I found it funny that the book that was the most damaged was the Steven’s book because the weather is such a big theme in all the poems Stevens wrote. I thought about it a bit more and it reminded me of the snow man poem, according to that poem I could be angry that every thing is wet, of in the poem’s case cold, or I could enjoy it for what it is, and be grateful that I was alive to be stuck in the rain and as the French say, “Ce la Vie” (not sure if it is spelled right) or “that’s life”

So to help every one in the class out i am going to put a link on this Blog so you can check the weather if you are going to ride to school on a bike, of course according to Mr. Pip we might want to just look at crabs in the sand....
Weather link

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