Monday, July 21, 2008

Found Poetry

The Derivative
Conceder the motion of the maglev
Observe that the graph of f rises slowly
To discover a yard stick that will measure
The steepness of the curve

So this is my found poem, I’m sure most of you have the first line committed to memory. Just a few words about it: I think I liked the poem more when I did not know what a maglev was, (sorry Steve) but I felt it left more to the imagination. I felt it gave the poem more depth because there is this mysterious thing moving, that we should conceder called a maglev. But that being said I still enjoy the poem and like how simple it is. It almost seems like a haiku, but I know it is not.

Some suggestions for the sonnets we all are supposed to be writing there is a web site called that helps when you are having troubles finding a rhyme for the poems. It has helped me out a bit.

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