Sunday, July 13, 2008

No Shit This Happened

Well I have a great story to tell any one who will take the time to read this.
I’m going to call this a sea story, and the reason for this is I like the way sea stories start, but I assure you this is a true story, and I probably could not make it up if I tried. ( I will show you proof of it on Monday.)

No shit this happened. So this weekend I had all planned out, I was going to catch up on all my English homework, and work on my medical school application. The most exciting thing that I had planned was going to church on Sunday morning. But my plan changed. On Friday night at about 8:00pm my friend called and said his dad, a doctor was coming down from Great Falls and had brought three ATV’s and wanted to know I wanted to go ATVing with him and one of our other friends. Well I could not say no, and decided my poems would have to wait a day, there were ATV’s to ride. So the next morning I woke up and went over to his house, we loaded up the truck and went off into the woods. The first trail we went to was closed to ATV travel, so we went to a different trail to ride. We started out with no problems; I was riding my friends Honda 250 sport ATV. We went down a road for about 5 miles when we hit the trail that goes through the trees. It was dust, and hot, but oh-boy was it fun. So we go through the trees some, when we came to a part of the trail that cut across a mountain this mountain was very steep, and the ATV was tilting to the side a bunch. Then all of a sudden the ATV and I tumbled off the trail down the side of the mountain. I flew through the air, but lucky the nice soft ground caught me. I stopped sliding just in time to here a loud “CRUNCH!” The ATV hit a tree way below me. The first thing I did after I sopped was I stood up. My friend’s dad had come around the corner just in time to see the ATV summersault down the hill. He asked “are you ok?” “yah I said, but I don’t think the ATV is.” His response was, “well it’s dead” I climbed back onto the trail and looked down the mountain, when I realized the ATV was way down there wedged between two trees. My friend’s dad went back to the truck to get ropes and a hand winch and me and my friends waited there for him . We climbed down to the ATV so see how bad the damage was. It was lodged between two trees, the back axel was bent, and the break and peg were bent, other than that it seemed to be ok. We waited for a bit for the ropes to get back so we could recover the ATV. Now at this point I might add how steep the hill was. I’d say it was any where from 45 to 70 degrees, or about as steep as the bowls up at Bridger. So we hooked the ATV up to the hand winch and pulled it out from the two trees it was stuck in, then started synching it up the mountain. From my original fall I had scrapped most of the skin off my forearm, and had a nice shiner on m hip. Well like any thing else, it had to go from bad to worse. I was helping push the ATV up the mountain when all of a sudden my left knee gave out, and oh boy did that hurt. So from then on I was not allowed to help very much, doctor’s order from my friend’s dad. Luckily he thinks it will be fine in a few weeks. So after six hours of watching my friends push and pull the AVT up the steep side of the mountain we finally got it back up. The amazing thing was it still drove. Of course it looked like a horse because of the axel bumping up and down, but it still drove.

I was thinking about the original question we had in class on the first day, “what possible value can a 19th century novel by Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, have for a 21st century, computer savvy student…” And the answer for me came to my yesterday in the form of me being thrown off a mountain by an ATV. Let me explain. Mr. Dickens’ character Pip is a arrogant twenty some year old kid who things he can do just about anything and every thing, AKA he thinks he is invincible. I am a twenty one year old kid who is somewhat arrogant and thinks I can’t get hurt, or I think I’m invincible. By the end of the novel Pip relies he is not as invincible as he thought he was and that he does not get every thing he wanted. Yesterday I realized I am not invincible, and a stupid ATV beat the snot out of me. So yes maybe there is a great value to reading about Pip’s adventures through life, and his growing up.

1 comment:

GrumpyWombat said...

Ok, I'll be in the courtyard of Wilosn hall at ten AM