Friday, August 8, 2008

I enjoyed this class. A few things that have changed in my life since the beginning of this class is, I know how long it takes me to read a book, and it is not as long as I thought it was before. I have bought a new bookshelf in my bedroom so I can buy more books. And I have met a bunch of people and learned about their lives, and their stories. I have also learned how important a story is in ones life. For example last night at work there was not much to do, we had a very slow night. If it had not been for the Mad Hatter I would have fallen asleep on the job, or gone crazy. As I sit here writing this blog I can really only think about how I wish I were reading about the Queen who wants the chop off everyone’s head, and find out what this world is that Alice is stuck in. six weeks ago I would be writing this blog thinking about how I want to play Gears of War on my Xbox. So yes this class has changed how I look at books, and I know how wonderful they are. If only more people would read there might not be as many problems in this world. If people had a way to escape they would not turn to drugs and other bad things like that. How I see it is if you wan to have a mind altering experience just go down the rabbit hole with Alice and it is pretty much the same as doing something like Acid. That first day of class when Prof Sexson came into the room and said, “I called my self Pip and came to be called Pip” I knew this class was going to be like no class I have ever taken in my life. And I was right. It was an exciting adventure and I feel like I learned more about life and myself in the last six weeks than I have in any of my other classes. I think stories have an amazing power on people and they can help people when they are on hard times. They show you that you are not the only one going through a problem. If any one has seen the movie Bucket List my grandfather was a lot like the rich old man. My grandfather also died of cancer. I think he would have done the exact same things the man in the movies did if he had more money before he died. When I went to this movie I went to the late showing, and on my way home at about 12:00 I had to call my mom and share this movie with her. Yes I woke her up but it did not matter, I had found a person like my grandfather who has been dead for about 4 years now, and was able to see him again. It was wonderful.
Thanks for a great class.

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