Friday, August 8, 2008

In class on Monday we talked about comedy and tragedy. And the differences and similarities between the two of them. Here is what I think about the two. First the Comedy is much more important then the tragedy. In the tragedy there are always outlandish characters that do outlandish things. Comedy also has these same characters, and they do the same thing. The only differences between the two are in comedy they do not take them selves seriously. In a tragedy they are taking them selves very seriously. So because of this I think the comedies are much more important in life because they can teach you more and are more relevant to our lives.
When we were talking about the papers on Wednesday some one said that Mr. Watts would do what ever he needed to do, when they needed a teacher they got a teacher when they needed some one to die he died. (I think it might have been a quote from the book, but I’m not sure) the first thing I thought of when I herd this was the new Batman movie. Batman does this in the movie; he becomes what Gotham needs. And that was when I realized that Mr. Watts was a super hero in this novel. No he did not wear a cape or anything like that, but he was still the outcast that is not apreacheated by the people, but he still saves the day when the day needs saving. And that comes back to one of the main themes of the class. Every story is a retelling of another story. Yet each book is a new collection of words on the page that makes a wonderful experiences.

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